Dental implants could be the right solution to replace missing teeth and give you a beautiful and fully functioning smile. At Superior Family Dental in Kingsford, Michigan, dentist Justin Saigh, DDS, provides natural-looking, permanent dental implants. The gifted dental team at Superior Family Dental can help you improve the appearance of your smile and take care of your dental health. Schedule online or call Superior Family Dental today. request an appointment
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots designed to replace missing teeth. A dental implant is a titanium post that’s attached to an abutment and a dental prosthesis, such as a denture, bridge, or crown.
In-office, Dr. Saigh surgically places the dental implant into your jawbone where it supports your jawbone. The abutment connects the post to the dental prosthesis.
Dental implants and prostheses are custom-made at Superior Family Dental and come in various sizes and shapes. They’re a popular, effective solution for a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth.
What are the benefits of dental implants?
Superior Family Dental offers dental implants due to its many benefits. Dental implants are beautiful, durable, and if you take good care of them, they can last a lifetime. Other benefits include:
- Enhancing your smile and facial appearance
- Making brushing and flossing easier
- Helping preserve your jawbone
- Comfort
- Making speaking, chewing, and eating easier
- Helping prevent future bone loss
You might choose dental implants if you’re fed up with your traditional dentures falling out or becoming loose and uncomfortable.
At Superior Family Dental, Dr. Saigh offers different types of prosthetics for implants, such as dentures, bridges, and single-tooth crowns.
Who is a suitable candidate for dental implants?
If you have good dental health and you don’t have any medical conditions that could affect how your bones heal, you’re a good candidate for dental implants. It’s also important that you have a fully grown jawbone.
During your personal consultation, Dr. Saigh can discuss the dental implant procedure in detail, answer your questions, and help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
What’s involved in getting dental implants?
Getting dental implants usually takes around six months to a year.
In-office, Dr. Saigh carefully surgically places your dental implants in your jawbone. Your jawbone needs time to heal and the recovery process typically takes around 3-6 months for your jawbone and implants to successfully fuse together. This fusion process is called osseointegration.
After the fusion process is complete, you return to Superior Family Dental where Dr. Saigh attaches your replacement teeth to your implants.
Dental implants can restore your smile, so you no longer have to worry about missing teeth and gaps in your smile. To inquire about this innovative dental option, click or call Superior Family Dental today.