Root Canals  Kingsford, MI

Root canals are needed when decay and bacteria spread for too long without treatment. At a certain point, this decay makes it to the pulp inside the tooth. This pulp includes nerves, therefore infection generally causes a lot of pain. Since this is happening on the inside of the tooth, you won’t necessarily see the damage. Instead, you could feel it through pain and notice other signs that include bleeding, swelling and bad breath.

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What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure performed in-office to help you restore the optimal functioning of your tooth while preserving your natural tooth structure. Dr. Saigh typically recommends a root canal when your tooth’s pulp — the fleshy interior of the tooth that contains nerves — becomes infected.

To perform a root canal, Dr. Saigh removes your infected tooth pulp before replacing it with a special biocompatible dental material.

You need your tooth pulp for development and growth, but you no longer need it once your tooth has matured properly. It’s always a safer option to remove infected tooth pulp.

Why would I choose a root canal?

During your regular dental checkup at Superior Family Dental, Dr. Saigh checks your teeth using an X-ray, which helps to check for signs of infected pulp. Dr. Saigh might recommend a root canal if you have certain symptoms, such as:

  • Tooth discoloration
  • Pus drainage from the infected tooth
  • Prolonged hot and cold sensitivity
  • An abscess near an infected tooth
  • Soreness when you’re chewing with a specific tooth

If you have concerns or symptoms, it’s best to visit Superior Family Dental for an evaluation.

What can I expect with a root canal?

With a root canal at Superior Family Dental, Dr. Saigh numbs the area around your infection before making a small hole in your tooth. He carefully removes the infected pulp and uses a special dental solution to kill any bacteria inside.

Dr. Saigh uses a rubbery dental material to fill in the area where the infected pulp was. He then seals the site to complete your root canal therapy.

To protect the vulnerable area, Dr. Saigh might fit your root canal with a crown or bridge.

For a root canal, the total appointment time is typically two hours divided into two easy visits. Dr. Saigh is exceptionally well trained and can explain the procedure in more detail, so you know what to expect and can feel more comfortable and prepared.

Is a root canal painful?

After the healing process is complete, your root canal should alleviate any pain from your infected tooth root. At Superior Family Dental, Dr. Saigh usually performs root canal procedures under local anesthesia. You might have some soreness and sensitivity in the treated area for a few days following your root canal, but you can take over-the-counter pain medications to help with any discomfort.